#PlasticFreeJuly - the perfect time to switch to reusable bottles
As every year, during the month of July, several companies, organizations and individuals celebrate "Plastic Free July" campaign, born in 2011 in Australia with the aim of promoting a lifestyle in which the consumption of disposable plastic is reduced to the minimum.
It is something that may seem complicated at first, but the truth is that just by changing some of our daily habits we can make a big difference for the planet.
It only takes 3 weeks to get into a new habit
It doesn't sound too complicated, does it? Well, if you read on, you'll discover a few ideas to make it even easier. There's still time!
1. Look around and look for alternatives
What about that shampoo you throw away when you buy a new one? And the plastic from the chickpea packet, is it recyclable?
Nowadays, there are infinite alternatives for a multitude of products that we still buy in a plastic packaging. Be aware and, when you can, choose more sustainable alternatives, such as solid shampoo or chickpeas in bulk, which also have their charm.
2. Bags and bottles, particularly problematic products
Not because of the type of plastic itself, but because of the quantity in which they are consumed and discarded. Every day, billions of bags and bottles around the world are used and disposed. Many of them, to make matters worse, end up in the oceans. If each of us made a habit of carrying a cloth bag and a reusable bottle, the impact would be immense and immediate. As it is said out there... No excuse for single use!
3. Less processed, more homemade
That homemade food cooked with fresh ingredients is healthier is something we know for sure. But it is also much more sustainable. Smoothies or lemonade made at home, without bricks or bottles; meals for one, for two or for six, avoiding individual packaging; thermo flasks for food that keep lunch at the ideal temperature and that you can reuse for years ... the options are many and do not necessarily involve a great effort, just a little will and commitment.
4. Be inspired and inspire others
Sharing our experience changing certain habits and replacing single-use plastics for other more durable containers can make the process more enjoyable, while serving as inspiration for many others who have not yet been encouraged. In addition, realizing that it's not just us, but many, rowing in the same direction, motivates us to keep fighting for change. Tell us what you are doing, maybe you will end up becoming an influencer of a more sustainable lifestyle! ?
Laken gets committed for the planet
Of course, we're committed to change too. This year, our goal is for everyone who wishes to join the change to be able to purchase a reusable bottle. To do that, we have launched this beautiful series, special edition #plasticfreejuly, at a very attractive price.
- Recycled aluminum bottles (yes, in addition to durable and recyclable, they are made with recycled aluminum) light, economical and very beautiful.
Choose yours, there's no excuse!
If you get committed, if we all do, the change will be brutal.