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Reduce, reuse and now, with Laken's Renove Plan, recycle

Reduce, reuse and now, with Laken's Renove Plan, recycle

Since Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro introduced the 3R recycling rule at the G8 summit in 2004, general awareness of the need to care for the environment has grown, as have government, corporate, collective and individual initiatives to do so.

Today, the 3Rs of ecology, reduce, reuse, recycle, form the basis of the most sustainable approach to consumption; the only way to reconcile future consumption with the maintenance of a healthy planet.

Sometimes, however, we all face the impossibility of recycling certain things. Either we don't know what to do with them, or we don't have a place to take them... and they end up in the garbage, interrupting the cycle in its last phase.


With the intention of facilitating the implementation of this last part of the 3R rule, in Laken we have launched our own RENOVE PLAN. The initiative is very simple: anyone who has an aluminium or stainless steel Laken bottle that is no longer in use can send it to our factory. In collaboration with the waste recycling company we usually work with, we will recycle them.

In addition, to compensate for the expense incurred and thank the gesture with the environment, we offer a 20% discount for their next purchase to all those who participate by sending us their old bottles.

One more commitment of Laken with the care of the environment, of all.

  • The address where the bottles have to be sent is: PRODUCTOS DEPORTIVOS, S.A. Polígono Industrial Oeste (West Industrial Estate), Main Avenue, block 25, 30169 - San Ginés (Murcia). If you want to send us a bottle, please send us a message through our contact form too, so we can get in touch as soon as we receive the bottle.

Help us complete the cycle!

Posted on 06/02/2019 What really matters 21603


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